Announcement : 

Domestic Enrolment

Enrolment at Jireh Christian School

Welcome to our Enrolment Information page. Much of the culture, programmes and spirit of Jireh Christian School can be found through browsing our website, which we warmly welcome you to do.

Any enquiries regarding enrolments may be directed to the school office:

Phone: 09 836 6913 or 022 124 6311


Postal address: 63 St. Georges Road, Avondale, Auckland 0600

How to Enrol

At Jireh Christian School all enrolment applications are completed online.

It is recommended that you collect all required documentation, as listed below, before you start the online enrolment. However, you may save and return to the online enrolment form, but please do not re-open in a different browser.

Follow this link to complete the enrolment application online:

OR alternatively, you may contact the school office to request a printed copy of the enrolment application form.

Note: completion of the application forms does NOT guarantee enrolment. There is a process involved.

Required Documentation


Your application must arrive via the online platform, email, or delivered by hand, and is ONLY ACCEPTED IF ALL DOCUMENTS ARE SUBMITTED.

An acknowledgement is emailed to confirm receipt of the application.

The application is checked by the Enrolment Officer.

The complete enrolment application with all supporting documents is submitted to the Principal for review.

The Principal assesses enrolment criteria and space availability.

Preference and Non-Preference Enrolment

To maintain the special character of Jireh Christian School, priority is given to students whose families demonstrate commitment to the Christian faith.  Unfortunately, if a family is unable to supply a reference from a church pastor/minister/senior leader, we are legally permitted to enrol only 5% of our total roll as non-preference students.

Should the Principal decide to:

  • proceed to interview – notification will be made by phone and followed up by email to schedule an interview.
  • not to proceed to interview – a letter declining your application will be sent.

Interviews are an important step in the school’s final consideration of your child’s application.  The interview is held by the Principal and also provides the opportunity to meet our staff and to ask any necessary questions.  An interview typically lasts around 20-30 minutes with preferably both parents and the prospective student in attendance.  

Should the decision be made to:

  • accept the enrolment application – an acceptance letter will be sent.
  • decline the enrolment application – a letter declining your application will be sent.

NOTE: completion of the application forms does NOT guarantee enrolment.

Starter Pack information and forms are sent one term prior to start date, or as close as possible to that time.

Associated forms to be completed and returned, with term in advance payments up to date.

Welcome to Jireh Christian School!

New Zealand and Australian citizens

We need to physically sight the original and take a copy OR you may provide a verified true copy of:

the student’s birth certificate


NZ or Australian passport (details page)

Other nations’ citizens

If your child is enrolling in a New Zealand school for the first time, we require a verified true copy of his/her proof of identity.

If your child is transferring to our school from another New Zealand school we may physically sight the original and take a copy of the documents, as below:

the passport (details page) AND

NZ residence OR NZ Student visa label or stamp.

Download the Church Reference Form.

Email the form as an attachment to your Pastor/Minister or Senior Leader of your church and request them to complete and email directly and confidentially to:

Download the Parents’ Covenant Form.  Please complete and ensure BOTH parents/caregivers sign this form before uploading when completing the online enrolment form.

A copy of the child’s immunisation certificate OR

A statement advising you have chosen not to immunise your child.

A copy of the two latest school reports for students who have attended a previous school.

A pre-school letter of progress for new entrant students

A small head and shoulder photograph of the student (family snapshot is acceptable).

A copy of any legal custodial arrangement/s (if applicable).

Jireh Christian School Profile and Prospectus

The School’s Profile and Prospectus can be viewed by clicking the following links:

Profile 2024

Prospectus 2024

Jireh Logo 2024